Our Services

How can we help you?


Pediatric Dentistry

We care about kids and are sensitive to their needs when coming to the dentist. We try our best to provide our young patients with an experience that will help them see the dental office as a safe place.

Night Guards

One of the simplest things you can do to preserve your teeth for life is wear a protective device over them while you sleep. These devices are printed from dental scans and fit with incredible accuracy. We spend as much time as it takes to customize the appliance so you can have success wearing it.


Bonding is a treatment that can be used to repair teeth that are decayed, chipped, fractured or discoloured or to reduce gaps between teeth. Bonding can also be used to build up older teeth to make them appear younger. Bonding is an option for people of all ages, and the best way to update old fillings for continued long service.



Braces are used to correct the alignment of teeth and improve your bite to preserve your teeth for life.


Implants are the best way to replace a missing teeth without affecting the other teeth. They have a long history of success.


Bridges are false teeth anchored in place by neighbouring teeth. The bridge consists of two crowns on the anchoring teeth along with the false tooth in the centre. Dental implants are artificial roots used to support replacement teeth.



A crown is a cover that fits over a tooth that has been damaged by decay or is broken. It is prepared by your dentist, and usually requires more than one visit to complete.

A crown can be made of acrylic, metal, porcelain, or porcelain bonded to metal. Sometimes all-metal crowns are used for back teeth because of the metal’s malleability.


A severely damaged tooth may need to be extracted. Permanent teeth may also need to be removed for orthodontic treatment.


Dentures are prosthetic devices replacing lost teeth. There are two types of dentures – partial and full.

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